Monday, September 3, 2007

Split pee soup

This is my 1st time blogging so here it is, a small window into my world. So, an odd thing happens to me when I go to the bathroom at work (#1, for a footnote I have only taken a #2 in 4 bathrooms that were not in my residence, but that's a discussion for another time). When I go to urinate the stream always splits in two. I mean always without fail, and the weird thing is, it only happens at work. Now, I'm jewish, so I'm circumsized, so the the foreskin in not an issue. So, what is the cause? Small peehole? Entirely possibe, but that does not explain why it only happens at work.

When the stream splits into 2 I have to decide which stream I aim into the bowl, but the decision always is futile because no matter which stream I aim, the other is destined for the floor. Now, I otherwise wouldn't mind mopping up urine from the ground everytime I go to the bathroom, but in my bathroom at work there usually is a shortage of toilet paper, which leads to some very creative solutions to my predicamint (hint1: water is your friend, diluted urine puddle is far better than a saturated one, believe me, hint 2: pre-emptivley blame it on the employee in which english is their second language). I have to end this blog now, because oddly enough, I have to go to the bathroom. Wish me luck (I'm not at work so I should be ok).

1 comment:

bricknhymr said...

Dude, that is the perfect first post for you. Keep them coming. hahaha